Saturday, January 5, 2013

Symptoms and treatment of pneumonia

    Pneumonia is one of the Acute respiratory diseases. Bacteria and viruses are the primary causes of pneumoria or originally people catch cold.

     Pneumonia begins suddenly, in most cases the temperature rise quickly. The pulse and breathing are fast. Cough a lot and begins early, have serious sore throat. Patients feel tired, has a flushed face and dry tongue.
    In severe cases, patients may have high fever and there may be delirium. Adelirium is very restless and the nurses must pay great attention to such patients.
    Patients with pneumonia need rest and sleep. The best position for a patient is half - siting. Fresh air is very important. Give such patients much drink and the diet must be light.
    Doctors use antibiotics to treat pneumonia. Some antibiotics are recommended for this Ampicillin, Erythromycin.......


  1. Some other symptoms that a pneumonia patient may feel is weakness,fatigueness,vomiting and headache.
    Contagious Pneumonia

  2. Natural remedies that you can follow to treat pneumonia effectively, such as coconut oil, fenugreek seeds, beet juice, ginger, garlic etc.
