Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prevention of acute pharyngitis at transfer season.

Acute pharyngitis is quite common, the disease occurs year round, but when the weather turned the season then acute pharyngitis easily emerge.

Common disease when the weather turned the season.

Acute pharyngitis is an inflammation lining of throat occur abruptly caused by viruses (influenza, measles, Adenovirus, ...), bacterial (pneumococcal, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Hemophillus influenzae, ...). Even more dangerous is Streptococcus Group A bacteria (s. pyogenes) because it is the culprit causing pharyngitis complications lead to arthritis (low heart evolution), Glomerular inflammation levels were fairly dangerous disease or acute pharyngitis caused by fungi (Candida). In addition to the causes on the other risk factors such as changing weather (northeast monsoon), cold, humidity, dirt, dust, tobacco smoke (tobacco, etc.) and is probably due to the effects of alcohol.

Typical symptoms.

Start a sudden high fever (39-40oC), chills, headache, fatigue, aching pain swallowing, eating, sleeping poorly. Some cases lymph nodes neck swelling and pain. Patients in the early stages there are hot dry feeling in the throat, thirst, burning pain sensation gradually increased when swallowed and when it comes, the pain radiates up the ears and sharp pain when swallowing. May have nasal congestion (one or two) and a runny nose. Usually burning throat and dry cough. Some three days after, if not detected and treated, the harsher possible.

When the visit will see the entire lining of Red throat. Most of the screens, head first, and then head into the Gorge after the edema, redness, export. The two tonsils swollen to recurrent inflammation of the tonsils, then, if often have sockets, there may be pus or white mean as water surface coating of oatmeal or mouth holes tonsillitis. CBC test will see increased WBC, ESR, CRP index (C Reaction Protein) positive. Mucous throat tests, by the method of single-dye found several cells, bacteria (Bacillus or Pneumococcus). Staining by grams can see Gram-positive bacteria bridge (double stacking, or the mob or in isolation) or see all twisted bacteria Vincent. If the condition of mucous substance cultivation throats will identify the type of bacteria that cause sore throats, on the basis that the antibiotic made map to select the appropriate antibiotic for treatment.

In cases of acute pharyngitis due to flu viruses, the symptoms are quite heavy, headache, pain burning throat, hemorrhages in the back throat. Or acute pharyngitis may APC (Adeno-Pharyngo-Conjunctival) then came the Red throat Mucosa, nasal secretions, inflammation of the lining of the adapters and swollen glands neck, tiế̉n disease developed in 3-5 days. Acute pharyngitis cases may then determine what viruses are also having difficulties.

Acute pharyngitis when weather turned the season usually takes place within 3-4 days, if good resistance disease will move gradually, the symptoms will disappear very fast. But when resistance is weak (children, elderly), disease complications, more severe and can cause complications such as otitis, rhinitis, bronchitis lung inflammation and chronic pharyngitis. Or below heart level progression, Glomerular inflammation if pathogens are bacteria Streptococcus Group A (s. pyogenes).

Treatment and prevention?

Treatment guidelines are based on the causes of the disease, in the case identified the bacteria and have the results of the antimicrobial antibiotic selection should map to the appropriate treatment for the age, condition and dynamics of antibiotic. The use of drugs to treat must follow specified medical doctor's don't automatically buy medicines for healing for himself and family.

Need to replace water and electrolytes caused by high fever. It is best to drink the oresol solution (ORS), 5/63 g, type cam ORS packages for both adults and children, mix 1 packet into 200 ml of water (boiled, let it cool). Usually use ORS as follows, the older groups, use 50 ml/times, 2-3 times a day; children from 2-6 years old used 100 ml/times, 2-3 times a day; children from 6-12 years use 150 ml/times, 2-3 times daily. With adults using the on-demand.

The food should take soft type, paste, easy to swallow. Need to eat more vegetables, fruits. Need to rest, keep warm the body, especially the neck, the chest,. Should bathe with warm water in the sheltered rooms, complete bath to wipe the dry and wear clean clothes. Need to clean the throat, mouth, such as brushing your teeth after eating, before and after the wake. Should rinse with salt water everyday pale throat.

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