Friday, November 15, 2013

Some things to know about inflammation of lymph nodes in children.

Inflammation of the lymph node is a lymph node infection status of the lymphocytes in the body's lymphatic system. The lymph node lymphocytes are part of the body's immune system, making the antibodies that help fight the penetration of strange objects (bacteria, viruses). When the lymph nodes are attacked they will have inflammation response and generates inflammation of lymph nodes.
Lymph node lymphocytes in various places in the body, so it would have the ganglion is there can be inflammation of the lymph nodes. However, the most common inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, in the armpit, in groin. Inflammation of the lymph nodes may be the result of bacterial infection in the surrounding areas such as inflammation of lymph nodes, neck often appear after the inflammation in the nose, tonsils, teeth, palate, upper respiratory infections because bacteria can spread to the lymph nodes, lymphocytes and cause inflammation. Acute inguinal nodes typically appear after urinary tract infections-sexually. Some cases inflammation of lymph nodes may be the onset and is an indication for a disease.

When the lymph nodes would become inflamed then will appear a swelling, stiffness, pain in that area and sometimes accompanied by fever. Most of the inflammation of lymph nodes may be cured with oral antibiotic, a few severe cases progress to the point of convergence of pus in the lymph nodes need to be slashed to save. However, babies should be physicians to identify cases of lymph node inflammation is caused by viral or bacterial. If the lymph node inflammation due to infections that babies should take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor and continue to drink enough dose even when symptoms have diminished or out symptoms. Some cases lymph node inflammation response do not need antibiotic, analgesic, Antiinflammatory only if a child is hurt, drink plenty of water then the lymph nodes will also self limiting and young again.

Should kids drink as much water as possible, some of the juice has many vitamins such as orange, lemon also has the effect of increasing resistance to the child. Parents can use the brushes back diameter of lymph nodes and compared to the next time we see the ganglion have increased in size or not to when the re-examination is easy to discuss with your doctor. Where the application of the conventional treatments that patients are still not relieved should put patients to see a specialist to diagnose and treat. Some blood diseases do appear the ganglion to as leukemia disease. Attached nodes to be high fever, spleen, bleeding ... Benign lymph nodes generally conducts encountered in children, conducts due bacterial infection, virus, lymph nodes are usually soft or make, size small, slow-growing Convention program. Malignant lymph nodes conducts a fishing life ­ encounter the older, probably in his youth. Lymph node conducts solid or make, less mobile, or have the glands in the deep, rapid development.

When do babies should visit now?

-High fever over 39 degrees Celsius.

-Children with difficulty swallowing liquids or difficulty breathing probably insert airway pressure

Nodes to fast and shiny stretch, embodies the coming rupture.

Lymph node inflammation levels in a number of infectious diseases:
+ Diphtheria: plague monk ­ ng to since sick, mainly residual lymph node function is new in program, sure, pain, impaired mobility, the skin not hot red as ­ ng conducts organizational masonry d ­ ­ the skin in a situation described below tr cases.
+ Measles: possibly nearby lymph nodes to whole body.
+ Plague to plague: plague zone stay mainly in the groin, a sore, s ­ agree to quick, sure, poorly mobile due to inflammation around the lymph nodes, skin covered in addition to red hot. Lymph nodes can be turned into soft latex duct, ulcer broke out the outcome.
+ Spiral bacteria lepto: plague monk ­ ng from the sore sick, be, easy.
+ Single infectious agent Leukocytosis: conducts have lymph nodes to behind the ear, pain accompanied by fever and sore throats.

In the event a child is inflammation of the lymph nodes and fever, the House should calm down children's fever with acetaminophen oral (Miscellaneous Hapacol 80mg, 150 mg, 250 mg, 150 mg Efferalgan, 250 mg) or the format (80mg, 300mg, 150 mg Efferalgan shoved the anus) with a dose of 10-15 mg for each kilogram of weight before bringing children to a visit (to avoid older burning can cause convulsions).

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