Thursday, November 7, 2013

Addition of vitamins and minerals in the elderly

Although small amounts but vitamins and minerals play a role very important for human life, because it is the indispensable catalyst in the process of metabolism. However, the body cannot manufacture vitamin that is fed in from the food. Moreover, the vitamin cannot replace each other. Almost all of us are suffering from deficiency of one or more kinds of vitamins. In particular, the elderly are objects very lack of vitamins and minerals.

The role of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Most vitamins function as an active complex men, involved in the process of transforming the energy stored in the body. Others affect the oxidation process, various works made the hormone, involved in the process of growth and bone mineral, active replication of the cell, involved in the body's immune process, the synthesis of intermediates of the nervous system, removing, neutralizing the poison, slow the aging process of the body. For example, vitamin involved in Visual functioning, keeping the functions of epithelial cells. Vitamin C may increase the body's resistance, making sustainability into the circuit. Iron is present in all cells and is essential in maintaining the health of the immune system, the body and regulate the growth of cells. Most of the iron in myoglobin and hemoglobin are reserved-2 red blood protein cells that transport oxygen to the tissues and muscles in the body.

Why elderly people prone to deficiency of vitamins and minerals?

Almost all of us are suffering from shortage of 1 or more of the vitamins and minerals, particularly the elderly easy to lack of vitamins. Lack of vitamins may be due to the following reason: lack of eating, the food quality is not guaranteed, the process of preserving, processing is not correct. Due to the nature of land and water resources each area; diets, alcoholism, alcoholics often suffer from a severe lack of B1; absorption disorders commonly seen in people with gastrointestinal illness, the elderly due to increased body needs but provides not enough ...

Some diseases caused by lack of vitamins and minerals

Although in the body vitamins and minerals only accounts for a very low rate, but if the shortage will cause the disorder, disease arise. For example, vitamin A deficiency causes quáng chicken, vitamin C will reduce the resistance, causing symptoms of bleeding under the skin, vitamin B1 deficiency causes edema, lack of vitamin B12 cause anemia, inflammation of the nerves; calcium deficiency causes twitching limbs or potassium deficiency cause heart arrhythmias; iron deficiency causes anemia. The expression of iron deficiency such as: body weakness and fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, hair loss, headache, weak, brittle nails.

What to do to lack of vitamins and minerals in the elderly?
Vitamins and minerals were supplied to the body through food, water to drink every day. If the healthy body, good absorption and abundant meal, diversity is not afraid of lack of substance. So, in order to prevent lack of vitamins and minerals, dietary needs foods enough vitamins and minerals necessary for the body such as eat a variety of vegetables, tubers, fruits, meat, fish, shrimp, crabs ... Need soft food, easy to digest like soups or pureed or pressed in the form of vitamins. However, most of the B vitamins and vitamin C dissolves in water so even though there are plenty of food but through the process of preserving and processing will take away a lot. The body cannot store these vitamins because they are soluble in water should be wiped out through urine. Vitamin B12 is an exception, being stored in the liver. Oil soluble vitamins are absorbed and transported in conjunction with fats. The body reserves of vitamins mainly in the liver and adipose tissue.

So when the body absorbs too much of the vitamin would this phenomenon happen poisoning. For elderly patients, declining health ..., so the addition of vitamins and minerals in the form of medicines to meet the needs of vitamins, mineral substances of the body. However, the addition of vitamins or minerals would need additional doses, how much and how long the drink ... and doctors should be specified. Remember, each category this vitamin when missing cannot replace each other.

Much research has been done in the average age 48-78 years old, then after 4-10 weeks of vitamin and mineral supplements have improved on health such as: reduced fatigue, focus better ideas, better sleep, appetite and sleep time over ...

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